Saturday, August 28, 2010

a day without plans

It's a good sky today, 2010

Sometimes the forecast is just the forecast. The predicted high today is 56°. It is currently 63°. We made it to the park with our coffee, before he had to go. It seemed we landed in the only place in the city free from wind, and we just sat, calm and content. Sadly, it wasn't long before he had to hop in a cab. But the sky is perfectly balanced, tomatoes are slowly roasting, and the few shadows on the bench beneath my bay window are crisply defined. I feel the wild parts creeping in and overshadowing the responsible and efficient. Which are more wise?


  1. i'm learning to go with the wild things. the "wise" ones always seem to get done anyway, but the wild ones are lost if we don't act.

  2. I'm still in my jammies. But the water and sky and wind are calling. Off we go...

  3. calamityjane(t), I like your learning. Maybe, it is the wild things that are wise.

    mosey, Yes they are. I believe I need to venture back out. Enjoy!

  4. Wise is not always the right path. Sometimes wild does wonders for our souls.

  5. I think sometimes indulging wild whims is wiser than sticking to responsibility. Go wild!

  6. The wise things earn you a pension; the wild things feature in your obituary. It's important to have a fine obituary.

  7. Annje, Thank you for your support. It looks like Chris is leaving work early AND we are going to eat hot dogs (my fave - ) by the bay -- YES!

    mise, I couldn't agree more. A fine obituary is key.

  8. As you may have guessed by the blog, I am quite soundly in favour of wildness - though I have more tendency to the responsible.

    Lovely words.

  9. I love these little blasts of perfection.

  10. So what did you do with your day?

    I spent so many years being wild I try to hover somewhere in the middle.

    But sometime just the faintest suggestion of wildness throws me off balance.

    We'll see.

  11. kate, I'm a little of both too.

    Tracy, What a nice description. Thank you.

    flwrjane, Everything changed, as it so often does. Chris left work early and there was a lot of reading and a long walk by the bay. I should also admit that my form of wild is pretty low key...things like eating strawberries for dinner. But you never know when that might change.

  12. wild can be good you know....
    and that is wise.

  13. I prefer the wild to wise but then again one should always have some balance... A good dose of both is good.
    I love the photograph...Magda

  14. oh, to live a wildly wise life. that is the golden ticket!

  15. Both! Back and forth, go with how you feel in the moment...

  16. contentness is the "ataraxia" that the greek Gods aspired to. Just simple "being", right now, without pain nor happiness. It's the key to it all. You found it.

  17. Wow, you are all a fountain of wisdom (good wild wisdom, of course.)

  18. A bit of both perhaps and life certainly won't be boring.

  19. It is wise to try and live a balanced life, but a life would not be balanced without the wild parts, right? :)

    I love your descriptions, really lovely, I can just picture myself there. I'd also love to hear more about those roasted tomatoes, I have bowls full from the garden with which I'm trying to get creative.

  20. wildly responsible!

    ya gotta follow that wild creative nudge
    the forecast is just the forecast, but a good sky day can be everything

  21. so nicely put.... it just all rolls off the tongue and through the brain [hasn't the warmer weather been nice the last few days?]

  22. What a beautiful, beautiful sky.
    And I second CalamityJane above. Let's be wild!

  23. A day without plans is the best kind of day there is.

  24. I think Mise sums it up perfectly - wise has it's place, but we all need a bit of wild to make us really live...

  25. I think we have to have the wild things to balance the responsible and efficient. For me, the brain needs the responsible and efficient but the soul craves the wild. I'm not complete without both.

    Your excursion sounds perfect.

  26. oh, so rare we get those perfect white bursts of cloud on a blue sky backdrop! so glad you caught it here. i agree, go with wild as the responsible side always has a way of catching up. (so nice to get caught up on your lovely blog.)

  27. I say go with the wild! The wise will catch up soon enough :)

    Sounds and looks wonderful

  28. I'm constantly trying to balance the wild and the wise but especially when he just left in a cab and tomatoes are roasting, how about letting the wild child out? In any case, it's a pleasure to read your words again.

  29. Most of us are pretty darn responsible, and our idea of "wild" is really nothin' in the grand scheme of things. So go for it... your wild is someone else's mellow. It's all relative. The important thing is to push your boundaries in ways that make you grown and learn. Be interested in yourself, care for yourself, and be just a little daring.

  30. A good balance of both - so that both wild and responsible are special in their own way.

    So glad you captured a perfect moment of contentedness and enjoyed it.

    I've been thinking of you, Denise. I hope things are well.

    much love,

  31. Aren't you back yet?

    It's a little boring without you.

    xo Jane

  32. Allison, So sorry about this tomato delay. I'm probably too late now, but I've been away... I go super simple with my slow roasted tomatoes. Set oven to 200 degrees, core tomatoes (I love Early Girls for this), slice in half lengthwise, and place skin side down on a heavy cookie sheet. Brush, rub, or drizzle all tomatoes with olive oil. Sprinkle on some good salt and roast for about four hours or so. Remove whenever they look good and a sample tastes to your liking.

  33. lisa s, Can you believe I departed right when the weather started looking good? is nice, so all is not lost.
