Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Down the Rabbit Hole

Charles, 2013

I listened to Bill Evans on Pandora while reading these pages on my laptop. About halfway through my reading I was distracted by the sunset and got up to take a photograph with my mobile phone. Now, in the dark, I type with my glowing screen in the foreground and the lights of city buildings and passing headlights shimmering on the river outside my hotel room, and I share my sunset with you, here on my blog.


  1. You're a modern day Alice indeed.

  2. yes, I spend a fair part of my day down the rabbit hole with all the good and the bad that she notes. thanks for sharing her writing and your sunset.

    1. There is good and bad down there... I have the feeling you are finding the good.

  3. thank you Denise. how wise of you to look up out of the rabbit hole---gorgeous sunset.

    1. I love the way they change the landscape, no matter where you are.

  4. So, it seems, the rabbit hole does have its advantages for the shared wonder of sunsets and communion of city lights. Lovely.


    I drove past a postman delivering mail yesterday and was overwhelmed with a longing for a letter from a friend or relative in my mailbox. I received one a few months ago after a fast of years and delayed opening it in order to postpone the ending of such a rare pleasure.

    I forswore emailing for years but am now following the crowd. I even leave off the dearsies and love-yous half of the time. Chagrin.

  5. There's something about city sunsets that makes me want to dance, with something strong in my hand. Perhaps the sky light effortlessly surpassing all the other lesser, artificial lights. Perhaps the promise of evening. I'm thankful for both image and article...

    1. Thanks, Kate. I hope you are dancing as you describe, soon.

  6. I do love a good sunset and have been missing them with our grey, overcast days. Thanks for sharing yours.

  7. That's a gorgeous view from ur window! Thanks for sharing :)

  8. This sunset - from your phone, to your laptop, to your blog, to me here in another corner of the world. What can I say; technology, I love it, I hate it.

  9. And I can see why that sunset distracted you - it's beautiful.

    1. They always are. Well, no, not always, sometimes the clouds hide them, but I'm happy to see so many beauties each year.

  10. Skylines and motel rooms leave me feeling empty, like that essay you mention. Our collective dependence on technology is powerful and sobering.

    1. I have a special place in my heart for skylines. It is most likely linked to my childhood in Chicago. Motel rooms, well, it depends on the day... And technology, yes, powerful and sobering.

  11. That photo and your text with it reminds me of a painting we have. My favourite painting. I'll snap a photo and send you, so you can see why...

    1. Great! Thanks, Anne Marie. Looking forward to seeing the connection.

  12. The Solnit piece is fantastic. Thank you.
