Thursday, June 10, 2010


Distractions, 2010

When you are supposed to be writing, have your camera nearby. When you are supposed to be photographing, be sure your notebook is within reach.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. When someone asks you to suggest a displacement activity, make a jam sandwich?

  3. Wonderful words for sure. It's great to have a camera, paper, and a pen wherever one goes.

  4. The layers are wonderful. It's almost as if you set the camera down and it decided to sneak a shot just as you were walking away...for that notebook to write in.

  5. Yes. And yes.

    Beautiful photo.

  6. love that photo. is that lavender?

  7. :)
    great advice, will have to remember that!

  8. Ha! yep, be prepared to get those images however you can!

    really like this photograph, too...

  9. Too true; I should know this already because both of these things are dear to my heart. Actually, I often think I should never leave the houzse without my camera or my notebook. Beautiful words, beautiful image.

  10. knowledgeman, I try.

    mise, I love displacement activities, especially jam sandwich making.

    Tracy, Sometimes my camera is sneaky.

    countingdandelions, Good eye. Yes, you are seeing a lavender shadow.

  11. Fantastic advice. As a writer, I've been thinking lately about how to increase writing creativity through the camera lens. Thanks for sharing!

  12. i love this advise...thank you!

  13. don't go mad, when you find yourself without any of those... :)))

  14. Yes! And also, always bring a pen.

    Thank you for commenting on my book pile. I love the Sarah Waters cover design too. I've read The Night Watch and I am really looking forward to 'The Little Stranger'. Problem is I can't decide where to start. What a great thing, having trouble deciding what to read next.

  15. malo, Of course, there must be a tool for writing in that notebook. My tool of choice is a mechanical pencil. Having trouble deciding what to read next is a pretty indulgent problem. I enjoy it.

  16. This is so true. I smiled when I read this.

  17. Des, It sure is true for me. It's sort of like Geoff Dyer's 7th rule in 10 rules for writing fiction:
    7. Have more than one idea on the go at any one time. If it's a choice between writing a book and doing nothing I will always choose the latter. It's only if I have an idea for two books that I choose one rather than the other. I ­always have to feel that I'm bunking off from something.

  18. Sage advice. The only problem is that if there is food involved everything gets very sticky indeed.

  19. good stuff. the photo is wonderful.

  20. Absolutely.

    I am loving your blog -- can't believe I'm just finding you now. Beautiful shot.
