Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My plum (scarf), it's done!

My new plum scarf. Completed November 3, 2009.

I have been putting this poor scarf on hold for what seems an eternity. First it was tabled so I could knit a hat for Chris (my first circular needle project). I used an interesting blue and grey yarn he selected from Art Fibers. The hat ended up being several sizes too large, but that's beside the point. It was still a fine hat, albeit rather large. Then I put my scarf on hold again to knit little Hadley a sweet peanut-sized cotton scarf. I used another lovely Art Fibers yarn, it looked like the sky on a near-clear day. Next, I knit a scarf for Mom. I used a beautiful cream-colored Be Sweet yarn that I bought during a "yarn tasting" at Bluebird Yarn in Sausalito. There was also the scarf I knit for myself with large needles and a wonderful Japanese yarn I found at Greenwich Yarn. The needles were very big, so I could knit it quickly and get back to my delicate little plum scarf, but then I started a striped scarf for Chris... Finally, I put the striped scarf on hold to work on my very own plum scarf.

Today I completed my plum scarf. I am so pleased! It is made from a gorgeous 76% silk 19% superkid mohair 5% wool yarn I selected from Art Fibers before they left their San Francisco location. It's beautiful and it feels fantastic.

But why is the sun shining so brightly and why is the forecast showing a high of 78 degrees in San Francisco today? Sigh...


  1. It's beautiful. I wish I knew how to knit!

  2. i want to learn how to knit

    this is gorgeous

  3. This is so gorgeous! You definitely have some beautiful talents. Loved the colour choice too!

  4. My knitting needles are huddled tightly, surrounded by a scarf no longer in the making. I need more yarn. I need a lovely color to match the new winter coat I've yet to purchase. All is in limbo. I'm envious of your plum scarf.

  5. Roysie, Thank you. Let me know if you decide to give knitting a try? I really enjoy it.

    Erin, Thank you.

    Char, Thank you. Now that you are working hard with your new job, knitting might be the perfect way to relax and unwind after a long day.

    Alexandria, Thank you. You are so kind.

    Amuse-bouche for Two, Oh, your description makes your knitting needles seem so sad and lonely. I have the opposite problem--I have too much fun yarn shopping and therefore have a pile of yarn waiting to be knit. I hope your lonely needles are in your hands again soon, working away on a scarf to match your soon-to-be-purchased winter coat.

  6. woo! i love when i finally finish a long term project like that!

    it's beautiful

    don't worry - it will be chilly enough soon [and all next summer :)]

  7. hello denise ...thank you for calling by to my blog , I am looking forward to see what you do ...lots by the looks of it what a treat :)

  8. It's beautiful, beautiful..! Well-worth the wait. I loved the little story of how it was put on hold over and over for other projects - isn't that what always happens with knitting..? It seems to happen to me, anyway.

    It's a beauty, dear..! And don't worry - I'm sure it'll be chilly soon enough... Hope all is well...


  9. beautifully done! i love the idea of a 'yarn tasting' - such an appropriate description for many of the yummy looking yarns out there...

  10. hee hee put your sunglasses on, that should make it snow! Then you can wear your beautiful new scarf x

  11. the photo says it all .. you have a true talent for capturing many emotions in one little pic.. love the plum color, and the yarn you chose looks exquisitly soft and soothing.
    knitting is something I would love to get back in to.. it has been many many years.

  12. Hi Denise,

    thanks for stopping over at my little place in the blog-o-sphere. love your blog...i'll be back!

  13. Hello! Thank you for your patience. I was away and then trying to get back into the groove of everyday life.

    Lisa, Thank you for your note. So true, especially the bit about next summer! Oh, San Francisco...

    Jane O Sullivan, Hello there! Thank you for stopping by Chez Danisse. Welcome.

    Maria, I'm honored that you were able to carve out a little time to stop by. I know you've been a busy bee (congrats!). It's funny, after putting this project off for so long, I'm suddenly a knitting machine. I've almost finished three scarves since I wrote this post. All three would be complete if I hadn't run out of yarn this morning (sigh).

    Aimee, Thank you. I loved the name of that event and Be Sweet has some of the most beautiful yarn!

    Louise, Thank you for the good advice. Okay! I'll give the sunglasses a go : )

    Melva, Thank you for such a nice note. The yarn is as soft as it looks. I love wearing this scarf! A few recent mornings have been cool enough to wrap myself in it. You should get back to knitting. I really like it and I think you would too. It's a knitting time of year--knitting season.

    Jane, Thank you. I'll look forward to your return.

